Our History


1856 Land gifted by Captain William Roberton of Lauchope, for a church of worship to be built
1857 The church was completed and opened on the 26th July, with the title of Chapelhall and Calderbank Free Church
1859 The Rev Alexander Stewart was ordained andinducted as the first minister of the Church
1863 The Manse was constructed
1882 Church hall opened (this is known as the Old Hall).
1900 United Free Church of Scotland formed (through the union of the Free Church of Scotland and the United Presbyterian Church), with this church being renamed the Chapelhall United Free Church.
1929 The United Free Church united with the Church of Scotland, and this church was renamed Chapelhall Parish Church.
1950 Renovations of church building carried out – including repairs to the storm damaged steeple.
1953 With voluntary labour, work commenced on the Large Hall.
1956 The Large Hall was completed, with a seating capacity of between 300-400 people, and officially opened in October be the Rev. W. C. MacDougall.
1963 Building Commenced on the Vestry and Session house.
1967 The Vestry and Session house completed, and opened by Mr. D Gilmour.